The Key to a Successful Audition w/ WVPT

Before we can create, we have to prepare. Preparation is key when it comes to auditioning! Whether you’re dusting off your audition skills for in-person auditioning post-pandemic or honing your skills for digital auditions here are some audition tips for you!

Tip #1 – Have confidence in your audition materials. Show up with material fully prepped and ready. Confidence is key! We want you to be the perfect fit we’re looking for.

Tip #2 – Have your outfit picked out and prepared in advance. Don’t wait until the last minute to figure out what you’re going to wear.

Tip #3 – Arrive early. If you plan to be 30 minutes early to an audition, you’ll have time to find where you’re auditioning, fill out the necessary forms, warm up, and look over your material
once more.

Tip #4 – Bring a change of clothes with you that you can use for any last minute callbacks or movement you may be required to do. If you wear a dress, bring pants – in theatre you never know when you’ll have to roll around on the floor (que Slyvia).

Tip #5 – Make several copies of your resume and headshot to bring with you. If you’re submitting an audition digitally, remember to rename your files, for example with a headshot: Last Name First Name HS, and with a .pdf resume with file name Last Name First Name RES.

If you’re planning to audition with WVPT in the future, remember these helpful tips and nail your audition! Make our job easier and be just what we’re looking for!

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