Inspired by the farces of Plautus (251-183 BC), the Stephen Sondheim musical comedy tells the bawdy story of a slave named Pseudolus and his attempts to win his freedom by helping his young master Hero, woo the girl of his dreams Philia.
When Hero confides in Pseudolus that he is in love with Philia, a courtesan in the House of Lycus, Pseudolus seizes the opportunity to help Hero when the young maiden’s love in exchange for his own freedom. But the two men soon discover that Philia has been sold to renowned warrior Captain Miles Gloriosus and he is expected to claim his prize very soon.
But Pseudolus, an excellent liar and complete conniver, will stop at nothing to make sure the lovely Philia winds up in the arms of his master.
Shakespeare’s classic tragedy of young love gone all wrong.